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Why Physical Therapy Can Make Your Life Easier and Safer

Why Physical Therapy Can Make Your Life Easier and Safer

A physical therapy program can help people return to their prior level of functioning after an injury. It also encourages activities and lifestyle changes that can help minimize the risk of further injury and improve your overall health. Many primary care doctors refer patients to physical therapy at the first sign of a problem as they consider it a conservative approach to managing problems.

How Physical Therapy Can Improve Your Health

Physical therapy programs include many forms such as evidence-based kinesiology, exercise medication, health education, mobilization, etc. Take a look at how this therapy is making a big difference in the lives of people:

1. Reduces the Likelihood of Surgery

Physical therapy programs are considered the first line of treatment to heal from an injury. In many cases, they can prevent the need for surgery. With the right method, you can restore skeletal function, correct impairments, and ensure overall well-being.

The total health care spending in America was estimated to be over $4 trillion in 2020. And more than 30% of this spending (about $1.24 trillion) was on hospital services. Even a knee replacement surgery was expensive and cost around $35,000. With a physical therapy program, you can effectively heal and reduce pain and minimize the need for expensive surgeries.

2. Improves Balance and Prevents Falls

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that 3 million older people are treated in emergency departments each year for fall-related injuries. Your physical therapist can screen your risk for falling. They can also suggest some exercises that improve your balance in real-life situations. In the case of a vestibular problem, they can perform specific methods to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of vertigo and dizziness.

3. Improves Your Mobility

Physical therapy has also been effective in improving mobility with both passive and active treatments. It allows you to engage in activities and lead a healthy lifestyle by strengthening your muscles and improving flexibility.

4. Manages Age-Related Problems

Physical therapists are trained in helping patients recover and manage age-related health problems like osteoporosis and arthritis. It is often seen that patients with osteoporosis experience fractures of the vertebral body. It may cause chronic back pain and other symptoms. However, a study found that physical therapy can reduce pain and improve function, especially with sling exercise


5. Reduces/Eliminates Pain

Some people may be suffering from the lingering pain of an injury or recovering from surgery and trying to get their range of motion back. Physical therapy can be beneficial in such situations with manual therapy treatments like soft tissue mobilization, ultrasound, electric stimulation, and targeted exercises. They help in relieving pain and restoring joint and muscle function.

Physical therapy programs are designed to improve your health and help you engage in your regular activities. You can get in touch with a physical therapist, and they will come up with receive a unique treatment plan catered to your challenges, needs, and goals.

Your physical therapist can help you manage pain, improve chronic conditions, recover from an injury, and prevent future chronic diseases. You can also ask them to collaborate with other health professionals and ensure that you get the best of care.


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